Mba Mini Project Free Download Pdf

Human Resource Projects | International Business Projects | Finance Projects | Marketing Projects | Systems Projects

Human Resource Management based Mini Project Downloads:

Human Resource Management: A comparative study of Carrier Refrigeration in Sweden and in Hungary – HRM is an important issue whether companies are successful or not in the global market. Many authors have different views on how important…
Download Human Resource Management: A comparative study of Carrier Refrigeration in Sweden and in Hungary

Succession Planning for Senior Staff Positions The problem was the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department did not have a policy for rotating senior level managers through critical staff positions to provide…
Download Succession Planning for Senior Staff Positions

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MBA Mini Project

MBA Mini Project

International Business Management based Mini Project Downloads:

A Study of how Repeat Customers can Affect Brand Image in the Fashion Industry – The fashion industry is one of the most exciting and fast-moving industries in the world and the companies within the fashion industry are driven by the…
Download A Study of how Repeat Customers can Affect Brand Image in the Fashion Industry

Internationalisation of Companies – Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union all conditions and principles for doing business in the area have changed. The shift from a planned economy to a…
Download Internationalization of Companies

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Finance Management based Mini Project Downloads:

Signals from the financial crisis – The purpose of our study was to analyze how dividend signaling effects the share price return on the Swedish Stock Exchange during the financial crisis and to see if the effects of dividend signals differ between…
Download Signals from the financial crisis Project Report

Capital Budgeting and Initial Cash Outlay(ICO) Uncertainty – According to recent surveys, most companies use discounted-cash-flow (DCF) methods to evaluate capital budgeting decisions. DCF methods typically assume that a…
Download Capital Budgeting and Initial Cash Outlay(ICO) Uncertainty

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Marketing Management based Mini Project Downloads:

Personalized Marketing: An invasion of privacy or an approved phenomenon? – The authors of this study analysed the increasing use of personalized marketing and consumer concerns regarding the access to personal information. The purpose was to find out how…
Download Personalized Marketing: An invasion of privacy or an approved phenomenon?

Internet Marketing – The new millennium has brought us on the brink of the I.T. Revolution. This revolution has been aided by the advent of the Internet in a big way. Internet is fast changing the way …
Download Internet Marketing Project

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Systems Management based Mini Project Downloads:

A case study of documentation's significance: in ERP system development projects – In order to stay competitive in today's changing business world, companies need to manage the increased complexity as they evolve. To be able to handle this complexity, many companies…
Download A case study of documentation's significance: in ERP system development projects

Critical success factors for ERP Implementation in a Company – The critical success factors of ERP systems mainly include proper implementation and usage. Beside this there are several other factors that decide the…
Download Critical success factors for ERP Implementation in a Company

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MBA Mini Project Topics:

Customer Loyalty study
Customer Profiling
Competition Analysis
Service Quality Study
Study of purchase influencing factors
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Consumer Perception Survey
Foreign exchange practices & hedging tools used by software industry …
>> More MBA Mini Project Topics and Ideas List

Corporate finance
Capital budgeting
Virtual finance
Working Capital management
Capital structure…
>> More MBA Finance Mini Project Topics and Ideas List

>> MBA Final Year Project Topics, Ideas and Downloads <<

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